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Daniel Kott
Hey Roy! in good time ... . I couldn't get inside of meca.
for some kind of ??? know no... I was checking my regulare-mail ..sudenly someone try to chat and I declined ; then another person appear. . that want to chat too. but I do not who are they. . and I declined again . and another . . after I declined this people . than I notice many of my correspondence, desapear. vanished. . so thatk you for write me with mecca. take care. see you soon.
What a beautiful picture of a very talented mandolin group, Roy! Are there other pictures available? It was sure nice to see you and Daniel again! ~ Nancy Lynch
Comment Wall (3 comments)
Thank you for joining this net. You can make friends with others members. Join some of the groups. Post photos, and videos. Check back at least once a week for updates.
Daniel Kott
Hey Roy! in good time ... . I couldn't get inside of meca.
for some kind of ??? know no... I was checking my regulare-mail ..sudenly someone try to chat and I declined ; then another person appear. . that want to chat too. but I do not who are they. . and I declined again . and another . . after I declined this people . than I notice many of my correspondence, desapear. vanished. . so thatk you for write me with mecca. take care. see you soon.
What a beautiful picture of a very talented mandolin group, Roy! Are there other pictures available? It was sure nice to see you and Daniel again! ~ Nancy Lynch
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